Protection Policy

Biggleswade and District Camera Club

Protection of Vulnerable Adults and Children Policy


The Camera Club offers great opportunities but all children/vulnerable adults have a right to protection and this Camera Club has a role in that. Protection of children and vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility. The child/vulnerable adult’s welfare should always be the first consideration in any situation but it should be remembered that parent(s)/guardian/carer retain responsibility at all times and should be involved as appropriate. [This policy isn’t asking people to be parent(s)/guardians/carer]

This policy sets out the principles behind protecting children/vulnerable adults and, in some circumstances, the action you should take.

Scope of Policy

Definitions are:

Child – young person under 18

Vulnerable adult – person aged 18 or over and who is in need of community services due to illness or mental/physical disability.

A child under 16 years must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. If not prepared to accompany a child, the Club requires the parent/legal guardian to nominate in writing a responsible adult. The parent/legal guardian remains responsible for the child prior to arrival at the Club and once they leave the Club. If a child arrives at the Club unaccompanied, they will not be admitted.

A child age 16 or 17 years may attend the Club provided the Club has the written permission of the parent/legal guardian.

A vulnerable adult may attend the Club with appropriate support.

Recognising and reporting abuse

It is not the responsibility of members of the club to decide if abuse has taken place but if a Member has concerns these should be reported as below:

Please report your concerns in the first instance to a member of the Club Committee. A minimum of 2 Committee members will investigate the complaint within 24 hours and report to the Chairman or Vice Chairman for further action or monitoring (as appropriate to the nature of the concerns).

In the case of reported signs of sexual, emotional, physical abuse or neglect refer to Concerns should be referred to children/vulnerable adult’s social care or, if an emergency, the police.

External Contacts

Central Bedfordshire child protection team: tel 0300 300 8585 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday or out of hours Emergency Duty Team – 0300 300 8123

If you are unsure and would like to talk to someone, call the NSPCC 0808 800 5000.

Abuse by a member of the Club

Sadly some people will actively seek out ways to harm young people and vulnerable adults and may use clubs to approach them with inappropriate suggestions/touching.

Concerns about individuals should be reported to a member of the Club Committee and they will in most circumstances refer to the Police and consider the individuals continuing membership.

In the case of either situation above, records should be kept about referrals made and information shared on a need-to-know basis.

Good Practice

It is not possible to cover all situations but the list below should give broad guidelines:

  • Parents/carers should be informed about/give permission for

    • lifts home or to events

    • involvement in events where the taking or viewing of images may be considered suggestive or indecent

    • attendance at a studio evening.

  • Personal care of children/vulnerable adults will remain the responsibility of the parent/carer

  • Inappropriate situations should be avoided; these may include:

    • being alone with children/vulnerable adults

    • inappropriate touching beyond helping with camera position;

    • allowing children/vulnerable adults to be photographed in inappropriate situations

    • allowing children/vulnerable adults to see inappropriate material

    • allowing children/vulnerable adults to operate unsuitable equipment
      using inappropriate language within earshot of a child/vulnerable adult.

All Club Members have a duty of care and should be aware of this Policy. They must report any concerns ASAP as outlined above.

September 2017 Version 1


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