Web Master Posts

26 June Progress

The Google calendar is now working ready for the new programme dates to be put in.

There were some issues with the previous web site not showing some pages properly.  The Gallery was not working and some old results pages with competition results were also not showing properly.  This was a result of the code not appreciating the new home we have created for those historical data pages.  A slight code change was made to make the missing pages use relative addressing rather than an absolute web page address.  The updates allowed them to go to the correct pages irrespective of wherever the web site was actually hosted.

The details of the committee members and their contact email addresses, where appropriate, have been added along with details of the 2017-18 subscriptions.

The webmail system used by some committee members was migrated from the old servers to the new location.  The actual email addresses remain the same but they are now again re-united with the new web site servers.

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